The Bullet That Killed The World Page 7
Frank was a born leader. His ability as an American spy har- dened him more inside than outside. Nobody knew almost no- thing about him. When the epidemic began to expand, he said finding the creator of the virus and, of course, the cure. All this before the zombies came to Washington, so the first thing was to interrogate the prisoner.
Louis was a man of just 27 years old, computer engineer ac- cused of pirating heart pacemaker boss causing cardiovascular arrest. In clinical report he highlighted that the patient insisted on wanting to die anyway. The main cause of admission was suicidal ideation in addition to the strong shock suffered following the swarm of hands and mouths who tried to tear him in that cell.
The interrogation was unsuccessful. Louis was staring at the effect of drugs. Anyway, the place was not the most appropriate, so he was taken to a police station in the county. Before leaving the safety car, Frank Louis looked sleepy, and the dense language, he said he wanted to be a zombie. The guy was traumatized by what had happened in prison and wanted to be converted. At first, the boss laughed in his face, but did not seem a bad idea. No one had thought to contaminate the healthy body of someone with an exquisite supervision of the facts. Frank was in charge,
so the rest of the team had little choice. Finally, everyone agreed that it would be a good idea to get behavioral traits through the process of transformation.
The next day, Louis woke up in a cell measuring 3 x 3 meters and ocher walls. Frank himself opened the gate and asked if he remembered what he’d said about wanting to be a zombie. At first it was somewhat confusing, and put up a sweat when they came to mind all those arms trying to catch up. Tan asked him to calm down. She did, and then asked:
“How many are out there?”
“They say that there are more dead than alive in Atlanta. But in total it is estimated that already about thirty million across the country.”
“Shit!” He said with diabolical wonder.
“Is it true that you did a red “X” the pacemaker of your boss?” “Yes sir, the bastard deserved it. Also, I agreed to coronary
information and disconnected internally implanted defibrillators
that did not have the least chance.”
“Interesting! You did not want your boss had a second chance. “That’s right, Sir, but I am sorry and I want you to know that...” “No, no, no, quiet. I’m not here to judge you. I was about to
kill a subject, but a zombie beat me. He entered his house while he slept and left him unrecognizable. Do you realize who the bosses are? Are you aware of how the world is going right now? You yourself saw what happened to people in prison. We are all going to die. But it is tempting to know that we can die and come back to be alive. Do not you think?”
“If hints that it is preferable to be one of those things, yes, they have an advantage.”
“Then you remember that you want to be one of them, and how I want to do not be eaten as the subject I mentioned to you, I offer a deal.”
Louis frowned upon hearing the word treatment. I had never made one. His work was led by their intelligence in the field of computer science and this was what he wanted. But he preferred to be converted by a human and one that was not. To this con- tinuous memory of that dozen prisoners opening their mouths before him they were added. He even thought that the grid would collapse at any time by the weight of others. His conviction was in force, and not raining zombies were going to remove 20 years in prison for murder. From the moment he entered prison, he knew it was better to be dead than to live there, and now he was outside, where the dead are the owners of the streets, the best idea was to become one of them. And that was when, for the first time, made a deal.
“Look, boy, the majority gave up. The virus passed several borders. We isolated cases are reported in about fifty countries, but my principles are different. To me they trained me to survive, and though many have dropped the weapons, I will fight to the end. It is vitally important to study the process while you’re beco- ming that thing that you want to be.”
“A zombie, sir” he clarified with trembling hands.
“Right, a zombie. Perhaps, through your transformation, is born the possibility of studying the behavior of the body while being infected, to get an idea of how to fight.”
“That means seeking a cure or simply annihilate those who behave as when the process begins.”
“The two things, but I’ll be honest. Thousands of drugs are mixed to find the cure Z virus, and no one has or the 1% of suc- cess. The same doctors have changed the stethoscope by a rifle. And although the president banned the fire, people do not give up. The yellow alert is in a phase of irreversible twilight. Thou- sands of families have been massacred by these individuals of which source is unknown.”
“Sir, if it helps, I can say that we first create the antivirus and then the virus. Perhaps the cure existed before the first zombie.”
“And I had thought, but why let it spread so much? While I walk on the hunt for some brain that says you have the cure. Most likely he rots in prison. But hey, let’s cut to the chase: We will supply the virus extracted from the blood of an infected. You’ll stay locked in a glass cube with enough space and you will be mo- nitored all the time for my team. You’ll have to be very precise in everything that happens in your body as you die, okay?”
“And once it’s turned me will get a bullet in the head?” “Would you mind?”
Of course. Only I accept the deal if they let me go outside to join them as a wolf joins the pack. I know I will not be conscious at the time, but do not want to live such a short time after death, would you mind?”
“For nothing, you will not make the difference between millions.”
Instantly he carried out the plan and a glass cage were installed to study while Louis was only a live undead. The event was held in a secret location. Convert to a living in one of those things was not pleasant for Frank, but the revelation of its nature in the pro- cess of trance, could be based study to understand the behavior of zombies. The stage was set before a possible repentance, but Louis was increasingly convinced that being a zombie in a world of zombies was the best. Before all, he was told to do their phy- siological needs in the bathroom and finally entered the glass cube to proceed with the experiment.
“Why the syringe is metallic color?”
“You want to know what color is the liquid.” “I imagine that black, but I want to see it.”
A step of sticking the needle into the skin Louis, this came up it would be better if he saw the virus emptying into his veins. It was not easy to play with so much pollution on a whim.
“Listen,” he said Frank, “you can´t alienate yourself, you tell me in detail what happens to your body. You must keep a clear
mind as long as possible. The virus begins to act immediately on your system, but it may take more than a day to appear.”
“I want to be a zombie; I want to live after I die.”
“As you say, but give me much information as possible. This can be the starting point to save the world.”
“Now listen to you. I do not want my testimony to be written, I do not want that, save the world, my name appears as the star- ting point for anything. I do not want to leave any trace, simply prefer to be infected by a syringe to eat me alive.”
Out of the cage three cameras were installed to capture details from different angles. In a corner of the cube the fourth chamber was placed. Alongside this, a wireless intercom was installed to talk to Louis during the transformation. The person holding the needle firmly looked into his eyes, looking for a minimum sign of repentance, but Louis savored the moment the contents emptied into your bloodstream.
Frank waved and waved him in a corner, had water and some medicines calming hunger. Before you leave him alone, he said calmly:
“Remember, don´t overact, just tell us what you feel. Good luck.”
“You need, not me” said the future man Z.
The monitoring team they were assigned rest time
s, but no one wanted to miss the smallest detail. For the first time, they would witness the act where a human body dies and then back out of it. It was amazing what you could do this fatal virus in such a short time.
Eight hours later.
“How are things there?” Frank asked from a booth where no light came.
“Boring. How much is going to take this thing to work?”
“Everybody is different, but the load injects directly into the veins, we think it will be faster.”
“I feel depressed, as if I had said the scheduled time for my death penalty,” said Louis watching the intercom located inside the cube.
“Nor was it seeming. Those who are sentenced to death pe- nalty never return. You have the opportunity to return and be free.”
At that time, Louis arched his body forward as if to vomit. “Have something?” Interrogate him immediately standing up.
“I think it’s the light. It is very strong and I was a little dizzy.
You will be turned off for a while?”
“Remember what the goal. We will lose some intensity, but we need to observe every detail.”
“Thank you. And before you ask again, I assure you that I will show as I am every minute of my short life.”
Frank thanked him with a nod, but Louis could not see him or others.
Six hours later, Louis looked at the camera the corner and said that he was sleepy.
For a moment, they closed the microphone and discussed what it would be useless if he fell asleep and woke up almost be- come zombie. He had no grace. Anyway, they had no choice but to be more careful, although the pain of transformation woke to anyone. In all cases an irresistible unrest manifested itself so far that the virus exploded inside. Only then peace of a later awake- ning was without fear, without guilt, without memories, only the need to eat meat uncontaminated.
Where testimonies were recorded in the first minutes after the transformation, there were some cases where the converted re- cognized their relatives, and even said they could speak briefly,
but the latter was pure speculation. Specifically, what is known for sure is that after awakening, and are what they are: living dead to kill. In one of the videos went viral networks if a new con- vert who played with his cat a few minutes to complete blockage. The subject suddenly froze and tried to eat his pet. But the image was analyzed and gave a false result because a single case where a zombie attack on an animal then eat it rightly is not known.
At 4 am he woke the computer touching her abdomen. He went back to the camera and confessed that he was hungry. One of the men reminded him that, in a corner of the transparent cage, had some pills, and water bottles. With nothing else to do, he went to bed to take another nap. But this time he did not break the barrier that separates waking from sleep. Louis dropped on its side abruptly. I had both hands on his stomach and picked up and stretched his legs desperately.
“Louis, do you hear me?”
He did not respond immediately.
“Louis, what do you have? Tell me”, Frank insisted.
“Shit, do not you see? This shit is consuming me. Oh, really it hurts my stomach!”
“Only that?”
“I have cramps and cold sweats. I feel as if someone had put a hand inside my chest and I was spinning my heart like a thread.”
The whole team stood with eyes wide open. It was the first time I witnessed a transformation in real time with statement in- fected by virus contraction Z.
“Louis, focus, what else do you have?” “Shit, it’s as if consumed by cancer.”
“Okay, boy, try to get over the pain is manifesting more than you think because you are aware that you were infected. Try to get him out of your mind and breathe deeply that will help.”
“No help or sucks! My sweat stinks, and I feel very rapid heart-
beat. Hell, I think I’m going to die.”
“Hey buddy! Do not go so fast! We made a deal, remember?
You must tell me more.”
“Ah!” He complained very loudly. “Why the hell do not you inject yourself and you tell your mother?”
“Because I do not want to be a zombie. You agreed to become
and you must help us.”
“Sir, is that this is terrible,” said between moans.
When he turned upside down resting on his knees with arms outstretched. It seemed an untamed horse. He panted incessantly and shook his head in circles. The light brought out the sheen of sweat on his face. For moments, he hits the ground so hard to believe that a hand would be broken.
“Boy, I know you can give us more, what do you have?” “My eyes…”
“What’s wrong with your eyes?”
“I do not see well and feel an acid burning my throat. Dammit!
And I want to die.”
“Wait, do you see yet?”
“A little, but everything is spinning.”
“Okay. Want you to get up and live up to the camera look, which is at the corner to your right... That’s right, you’re very brave.”
Louis made an effort to stand, but it was very sweaty, sore, and his movements were beginning to be inaccurate.
“My friend, on a scale from 1 to 10, how bad you feel?”
“This is a nightmare. None of this is happening, and the worst is that I know I will not live again. This is the end. Death is bitter and dark, and no one escapes. I can´t breathe.”
With these words full of desolation, he began vomiting wildly.
They made an immediate approach to see the color of vomit, but nothing seemed to shake things up. Except that the boy feels dis- organized, and more unbalanced forces. The chief was aware that helped extend the dialogue longer stay away from death, but that was a fate that would not change the greatest of miracles.
One of the researchers came to check one of the external cameras. He tried to be sure, but had a few meters a corpse, not a corpse anyone, but one that would awaken from time to time wanting to cross the glass when sensed the presence of a human being. After reviewing the camera, he walked as close as possible around the body of Louis. Through the glass, she looked stret- ched, like a boxer knocked out. With feet and arms to all sides, and neck twisted to one side, it looked like he had been given the punch of his life. And yes, they gave it, but it was at the hands of a needle that transmitted the worst virus known so far. The virus was changing the history of mankind altogether. The virus that divided the planet, He closed the door and turned off the light’s airports in several cities. The virus that depopulated roads, homes, workplaces. Which he managed to keep the American flag in mourning for most consecutive time.
They were about forty half hours in total. Outsiders were tou- ching each other to make sure they were awake and it was time to put maximum attention. Inside a transparent box, illuminated by a white light, a body returning from beyond. Apparently, it was the same they had seen in the news and on the streets. One more. Un- dead extra, but different. In this they defiled closely. They heard their suffering, their pain. The epic image of the hand that got into his chest to turn his heart, as one who gives rope to an old watch, they will be stuck forever. And now it seemed someone sleeping and have nightmares.
The left shoulder was jumping at times. An arm extended forward trying to drag the heavy body. Then the other. Hands tr- ying to grab the floor. The head moved like a pendulum of terror. And his mouth was babbling like a newborn monster.
“What is most interesting to see in this experiment?” He asked
the chief to others.
“Which we have a guy coming back from death because the
virus Z said one.”
“What else?” Frank asked again.
“Well, we picked up the symptoms of a convert and this creates a pattern similarity...”
“Negative. The interesting thing here is not the zombie, nor his movements or his actions. No matter if you have open or closed mouth or spit droppings. Louis was converted before he got the virus in his veins. The
person who created the virus was so mentally converted as such.”
“I do not understand the point, sir. A zombie creates more zombies?”
“Physically no, but the head of this person is as rotten as any undead. The creator of the virus Z is a doctor, possibly speciali- zing in the field of genetics.”
“Andrew, what did you feel when you condemn Louis to death?”
“Nothing, sir, just turned his orders.” “Forget the order, what did you feel?” “I felt sorry for the deranged.”
“And we know that Louis was crazy. Think nothing more about how murdered his boss. He put almost direct the pace- maker Trojan. And operates the creator of the virus Z. What do you think would have felt Louis if you instead inject him, he had injected you?”
“Satisfaction. He is a murderer, right?”
“Exact! The world’s worst murderer feels fulfilled with the creation of these monsters, moreover, are created between them- selves. The virus is not airborne or water. The virus did not come from monkeys and jungle. The virus was created in a scientific
laboratory by someone masterful. Great minds do not back down when they see the fruit of a great harvest.”
“What will we do then?”
“Inform the president that he can lash out at those infected.”