The Bullet That Killed The World Page 6
A couple of days later repeated operation. It was risky, but her daughter had to eat. This time, he placed Samantha in the trunk and went in search of one of those people who sleep on the streets. He spent some time going around and saw no one. At any time, you see sales and homeless living a crowded supermarket shopping. But that night it seemed as if the government had given them all home. A while later, Rachel moved through a secluded and dimly lit street. In the distance, I saw a person. It was not exactly a homeless man, but it was human flesh.
He acted unscrupulously, as a professional killer. He approa-
ched the woman who looked prostitute and asked if he had enough to light a cigarette. When the victim began recording her purse, she dug her neck a direct sedative. He turned to either side making sure no one appeared in the area. With some effort, he dragged the woman and left her lying behind some bushes. Wi- thout further ado, he took the car to Samantha. It did not direct it. The girl let go of her mother’s hand and rushed like a wild animal on the body of the woman sedated. The light was dim, but imme- diately a stream of blood out from behind the trees was.
Fifteen minutes later, Rachel thought it was enough. He was looking for his daughter, and when he tried to separate it from the disfigured woman, Samantha attacked. The scare pulled her back. There are dogs that, when they eat, do not like or who come to them. Luckily, Rachel brought more than those sedatives in case he needed more cargo. Now the question was whether they would work in a zombie.
With half his body inside the car, he pulled out another syringe loaded with the very strong drug and turning, found her daughter standing, ready to leave. He took her arm and pulled her into the car. Samantha had her mouth and clothes covered with blood. It was necessary to find an immediate solution. He realized that murdering a person nearby was more dangerous than infecting thousand from afar.
Back to the house again invaded fear. It was late at night. In the nearby poles, he hung the poster with the picture of the dog disappeared and the phone number of a neighbor. Surely the news was unveiled attack police and would report the day after the prostitute with torn intestines. He thought of Donovan and the turn her life had taken. He worried whether her husband was alive, dead, or both. I also knew that her daughter was the most valuable, and the only way to protect the virus was multiplying.
Despite the sublime tired that night, Rachel did not sleep. Again, she examined DNA Samantha and replied virus samples
Z. chose a special tank in a cold laboratory rack. It was as rotten
as the blood of the girl idea. And to think that the last thing he
pleaded innocent when he could remember was that he wanted to die. But no ... The “love” of his mother, polluted madness, brought her back like a fucking zombie, and the only way to save her was camouflage from thousands of infected. A few drops in a beverage container or food were enough to contaminate the body of any person. It was only a matter of time. However, Rachel was not sure if the idea would work contaminate food. Perhaps the only person sickens without becoming. Possibly, die in a few days without return to life. And there was only one way to find out.
The next day, he turned on his cell phone and had over 40 messages exorbitant Miller. He glanced at Samantha, and she was standing beside his bed with the typical swing of his famished body. Rachel forgot to change clothes and clean your face. He sighed, and, as he approached, Samantha was rushed with outs- tretched arms and moving his jaw. This time it was serious, she was hungry and, apparently, was so blocked that did not recognize his mother.
“Lack little for you to be free,” she said when closing the door. And precisely this freedom was conditioned by the effectiveness of the virus.
In the morning, she left in the car looking for people from the streets. The sun too bothered eyes and glasses that covered much of his face settled. About 7-Eleven found a brown, about forty years old, lying behind a bus stop. It is sheltered in the shade and looked drugged to the core. Dr astute took a bottle of water infected with the virus Z and, without waking, placed it next to his body.
In a couple of hours, he had left at least fifteen bottles of water near people in need. Half of the time managed to see how unhappy they drank the contents. Now he had to wait for the virus to reach its optimum phase. Since this was the first test day and beat fatigue, he came home and went straight to his room to sleep without compunction. Again, he turned off the phone.
Fourteen hours of sleep were not enough to replenish the or- deal of the previous days, but at least it was necessary to continue
with the plan to infect people. He turned on his phone and went to the news portal. Yet nothing was published about a virus, or the police or the dead woman behind the bushes. Much less the whereabouts of Donovan. What were the messages left over the head of Iceberg? He read between the lines, and seemed texts sent by the devil himself. He responded by ensuring that would be presented the next day at the Center for Genetics to resume their work. Instantly, the phone rang about ten times. It was clear that the man barked desperate. However, Rachel told her to calm down, which would in the morning and give an explanation.
That morning, he worked for hours and realized he needed more blood samples Samantha, but she was too aggressive and apparently did not recognize his mother, or was so hungry that he did not care to eat who it was planted in front.
At dawn, her doctor was placed gown again. Soon, he was in Miller’s office. The man ate questions, but when he saw her face hardened, calmed down and asked Samantha. She replied wryly:
“The left at home with a tremendous hunger. He is ten years old and still wants to serve the food. The other day I took her out to eat. But the street is becoming more dangerous.”
“And Donovan came with you?”
“Oh no. He asked me to warn you that needed a few days. His mother suddenly fell ill, and the situation is very delicate lady. We are losing streak with family matters.”
“Well, the important thing is that you joined the work, and
Samantha is fine.”
Rachel held her face as she thought about the state of her dau- ghter. He looked at the phone, but gave no news of anyone loo- king like a zombie on the streets. It was possible that his idea of multiplying the virus were not working out. Despair intersected with the idea of sacrificing his daughter, for which he fought so hard to restore life. But I was hoping to see someone become, in addition to the girl, and the idea of infecting more people were above any sacrifice. With a wave of undead in the streets, until
Donovan they would go unnoticed.
Forty-eight hours and the news portal said the usual: show- downs, stray bullets, guns in schools, traffic accidents and fires in California. Rachel tried to find more information on the latest developments and saw the video of a man arrested near a gas station for attacking several people. He recognized it instantly. It was the dark that put the water bottle with the virus. In the film, the man seemed possessed and tried to bite the police. At the end of the video, it appreciated how dark liquid left side of his mouth and fell into the eyes of an agent.
Subsequently several attacks of people who were attracted to human flesh were reported. The media claimed that it was a new hallucinogenic drug that deprived them of a proper functioning of locomotion, and attacked other human beings in order to bite them, as if they were zombies.
Zombies! That’s what it is. You did it, Rachel. Did you get your sick plan hit the target? You are already convinced that blood sam- ples created with Samantha infect others. Seriously, I thought this would be a chimera, like homunculi experiments. But you go into the abyss to dethrone the devil himself. You are extremely great. Now you’re in charge. So, his conscience was heard.
A similar series of interior monologues were formulated in his mind when he was convinced that could contaminate people with a virus created from his laboratory. And much worse when he managed to multiply the virus from a cloned matrix Samantha’s blood.
At night, back home, happiness faded comp
letely. From the street, he saw the face of Samantha crashing through the glass window of his room. Rachel looked both ways. He hurried and suddenly opened the door. The stench that came out was horrible. It was a mixture of urine and feces and rotten meat to know what else. The girl reacted like a wild beast and jumped into her mo- ther’s body. Luckily, he tripped over the corner of the bed, and Rachel had time to close the door immediately. “Just a few more days, baby; few more days and you’ll be free.”
When Rachel came up contaminating random people, not ima- gined that the virus is spreading so fast. It was as if malice ran his favor. The reason was simple: the first infected, in their eagerness to eat, attacked others who escaped with scratches and shallow bites, but did not escape the fate of suffering the consequences of have a fever, convulsions, die and revive the activity most Z. virus became less than a couple of days. Others were caught by a group of them, because they fed almost to the bone, it was impossible to revive. The process was that the body was fighting a high fever and very severe muscle aches. The exhausted forces, the system was vulnerable, and it was time that the virus is strengthened to act in the brain.
Acts of violence by the undead quickly filled hospitals. And, in social networks, he is fond of attacking other people as if they were cannibals. YouTube users competing for a number of views because of the avalanche ... zombie? Yes, zombies, which were launched to devour people at airports, clinics, schools, super- markets and the very street in broad daylight. These videos were led by similar texts saying, ‘Look at this before it gets deleted. Others have already used the hashtag #True Zombies to publicize Atlanta and surrounding cities were burning under the threat of the undead.
Many bodies strewn in the streets, in the gardens of houses in supermarket car parks are never seen. This was worse than the plague. The number of accidents shot up a huge way. The avenues were closed by the number of cars impacted. Gun stores made the business of their lives, and people do not need a permit to carry them. It was then that the press and, in general, the mass media, confirmed that the United States a bloody horror page was written because of the attacks of the undead. Las Vegas pa- nicked when in their own streets paraded dozens of uniformed converted into those things that only cause an extension of death. Thus, other states confirmed days later,
The credit could not take him to Dr. Rachel Hayes. As she spread the virus to a replicated array Samantha’s blood, others infected by collaborating multiply without consciousness. After a
few weeks, seeing the devastation caused by the undead, from the White House a statement in which they were forbidden people res- pond violently to the presence of zombies was issued. It seemed crazy, but the president said that because of increased infected, there was a possibility that the virus had adapted to other surfaces. Thus, the shots were prohibited because the rotten blood could pollute the environment endangering the lives of more citizens. From that moment, the police department of each state and the army would take over. Most people came disagree. TV shows were filled with interviews where some said: “When you see dra- gging one-foot 9mm bullet takes.” Other simulated blows with a baseball bat, and so a number of characters saying anything that approached with an open mouth would go beyond.
The news emphasized that attacks against zombies could only make things worse, but Americans are notoriously harsh. You need only watch a game of football or ice hockey. However, when it was decreed that ten states became yellow phase, and Georgia, Arizona and South Carolina succumbing in the red, people kept their weapons and migrated to other regions. So far, the virus did not reveal news outside the United States. But it was very likely that a traveler or tourist had embarked, contaminated, to their country of residence.
Large company’s movies and video games canceled their pro- jects, to sell entertainment products related to zombies, but the government censured every manifestation that had relation to events where so many people had lost their relatives and friends because of the attacks rampant in the living Dead.
Cities not affected by zombies closed their borders with armed military. Checkpoints in medical posts were established to eva- luate traveling by land. The effectiveness of these tests was de- termined shortly. Depending on the result, it was given the green light or enclosed in an insulated chamber.
New information channels where it was made known the mi- sery caused by that version of the man transformed into a killing machine opened. The worst of it was that the balance tipped in
favor of the undead. A prison in Colorado declared chaos not only lose all the prisoners, but also some guards and health workers.
Englewood Federal Correctional Institution. Jefferson
County, Colorado.
“It was a nightmare!” He cried the sergeant of the guard.
The man who questioned felt the jitters sergeant, and it was no wonder. The place looked like the end of a bloody piece of theater.
“As I said, some inmates became aggressive, even with his own side, although they seemed sicker than anything else. They hit on the walls and vomited uncontrollably.”
“Why do you think this is a disease?” He asked the man of dark complexion.
“The cameras show so. Disorientated and inveighed they acted as irate to be on their way. At first, we thought it was one of those fights inconsequential that often occur here. But before in- terceding, they fell to the ground convulsing, one after another.”
“And then?”
“He froze more than one day. Were many, and in the next few hours were over. It was impossible to bring them all to the hospital, so we asked for help emergency equipment immediately moved here.”
“What happened to the emergency team?” The sergeant raised his hands to his head.
“All health personnel were mauled by the teeth and nails of their patients.”
“¿You trying to say is that, as if by magic, the prisoners became...?”
“Yes. And it’s not magic, I’m talking about something that was put in his food and transformed them into those things.”
“Who else try that food?”
“Only them. The food of prisoners is one thing and the mili- tary is another.”
At that moment they interrupted other agents.
“Permission. There’s nothing here, Frank. We check every- thing. We inspected the warehouses, the kitchen and to the truck of supplies, and found nothing related to the virus.”
“Got damn!” He exclaimed annoying black skin. “I want a de- tailed report of the food served the alleged pollution day, three days earlier as well. I want my hands on the behalf of the industry that processes these foods, vegetables, water, meat, slaughter- house, a sample of food animals and even grass there. This case ends here and point.”
“One more thing,” added the sergeant, “when the event broke out, we had isolated a prisoner in a dungeon. He was on hunger strike. That day ended his punishment, and return to his cell came the slaughter of prisoners who awoke and attacked those who were healthy. In cameras he shows how he ran to lock himself while trying to enter thronged infected at all costs.”
The man wet his pants and screamed in horror at the night- mare of arms tucked between the bars. By megaphone, we in- dicate which cover behind tables and mattresses on the bunks. We gave him five minutes and opened fire. Outside his cell was a mountain of bodies on a black lagoon. We said nose and mouth with his shirt cover, and, before nodding.
“That prisoner is here?” He asked the dark with almost joined eyebrows.
“No. He was taken to a psychiatric clinic for treatment. His
name is Louis Zambrano.”
“Let´s go!” Frank, he gestured to his men. “Must speak with such Louis.”
“Good luck with that” He fired Sgt.
Chapter 5. I want to be one of them.
Inside the hospital it was cold. And not only for its tempera- ture. People who inhabited shaking like leaves. The floor was so clean th
at seemed to be always wet. Occasionally, isolated screams were becoming wails after bouncing in those white walls be heard. If it were not for the dominant disease was causing the Z virus, it seems that the worst was the condition of the mind. Frank sneezed a couple of times and showed his ID.
“It happens to almost everyone,” then you get used said the nurse rummaging these iridescent marks with legal documents.
“You are finished or need to call my superior?” He asked
“Take. It makes no sense to decipher the seals on this piece of plastic. You see that you’re a tough guy, like those of the marina.”
Frank shook his head as thanking the title, but the truth was that his ability was beyond all expectations. It was, nothing more and nothing less than the very confidant of President of the United States. When Z released the disease, the president ordered him to be accompanied by a team of researchers to give the root of the problem. Since that day, Frank vowed not to rest until fin- ding the cause of this epidemic, because if something was clear was that the virus was created in a laboratory.
“Here’s Louis Zambrano.” she showed cubicle prisoner.
“If I may a few minutes alone.”
“We have an emergency bell next to the door, although I will
not be necessary.”
That said, the woman withdrew, and the rest of the research team was left out too. Frank’s presence was enough to intimidate anyone. The man was nearly two meters and ebony face looked unshakable factions. The top of his head was oval, almost conical. Among his forehead and thick eyebrows typical of a man in his forties, but strong horizontal lines like a bull escaped. Eyes on those who saw more than half the world and which never moved a tear, a row of tabs iron thorns sticking out. In that face all was stiff, but most striking were the bones of his jaws. They were shaped boomerang. The shortest part started from the basis of their small ears and finally found it on the chin. Despite being a muscular man, his cheekbones stood out. And in the middle of the face, the nose was firm and broad.