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The Bullet That Killed The World Page 8

  The population extinction of the United States was reflected in a passive attitude, since the figure of the undead growing ra- pidly for fear that his blood was a determining factor in the air and nature in general. However, they had not yet used the wea- pons in masses to sweep the plague. Frank was not the only one who insisted suggest an attack on contaminated, but the president refused to endanger the lives of citizens who took refuge in their homes. Similarly, as it was estimated that the virus was not trans- mitted to plants or animals. Yet the policy of fumigating planes in other countries remained, in case an insect came to transmit the virus Z to any healthy person.

  Inside the glass cage, a hostile aberration, a freak achieved with a small dose of existing component worst in the world squirm. How hard to imagine was that the project had been created at the hands of the prestigious Dr. Rachel Hayes, the courageous woman who gave birth for the first time, the ultimate cure HIV, saving with it millions of lives, but in the precious attempt save when he loved most in the world, ended with millions of people in the scariest way possible. Almost in unison, they awoke some saying that they also had the solution to cure people with AIDS and framed photos in the newspapers, but to no avail countries. Merit remained in Atlanta, in the hands of the team that led Dr. Paul Miller.

  Back to the glass cube, I clearly saw Louis regurgitated in two stages. Dark green liquid spilled her clothes in an attempt to fo- llow dredges. He walked disoriented, lifting his head hard, as if possessed. Her eyes were still closed. If not because Frank was an agnostic, I believe that this was the work of the devil. But do not

  live in hell for the devil, in fact, was hell on earth, and the devil was a woman.

  “Louis, can you hear me?”

  The safest thing was yes, zombies listen but not respond to this question because the voices interpreted as noise rather than a linguistic code. In addition, the part of the brain that processes speech was suppressed. The team was also speechless by simply having a few meters to such a creature. These zombies were not like the movies or drama series, which appear out of nowhere or under the earth and so your skin is decaying. The Z virus was real, and all hearts in this world were exposed. These beings ate human flesh, urinated and defecated and without notice. They rested for short periods of time, at any time of day, but suffering from hunger led them to wander where the meat was fresh and blood red. They awoke to smell too developed. The eyes were those of a very sick person, but distinguished perfectly despite its crystalline color.

  Chapter 6. One less among millions.

  Iceberg, things went from bad to worse, and Miller did not

  stop blaming the zombies.

  “This is crumbling before our eyes. As much as we pretend that things are stable and secure, not paying people half organ they are placed.”

  “You have to calm down.”

  “What I calm down? All airports are closed, we barely have electricity, people flee, hides, disappears ... TURNS. The boom is cursed eat meat.”

  Miller’s phone rang just as this was so red that seemed frag- mented anger. Left on the screen unknown number. Yet he answered provided any insult.

  “For who is on the other side of the phone, is not a good idea to have called at this moment,” ‘he said angrily.

  “No moment is good in the days running, but we have some-

  thing that the creator of zombies sure you want to see.”

  “Who speaks? How did you get my number? If this is a joke, I assure you...”

  “I know what I said. We have valuable information related to the virus and are calling on the representatives of the main cen- ters of genetic country. Are you Dr. Paul Miller, right?”

  “Exact. Tell me what you need. I can do anything to see the

  finished movie zombies.”

  “It’s good to hear him say that. After the call, you will reach the address where we gather. Also arrive result of an experiment. My

  name is Frank, I’m in charge of research related to the virus Z.

  Rachel was about to retire when Miller raised his hand in to wait.

  “What happened?” She asked.

  “There’s a research team a few miles from Denver, who be- came a prisoner in one of those crap, and wants to be with them during evolution to collect data revealing weaknesses, and if pos- sible, eliminate those damns.”

  Rachel froze.

  “What are you still there? I’ll ask my helicopter.”

  Miller was about to leave the office when he noticed that Ra- chel seemed frozen in time.

  “You’re good?”

  “Yes, of course,” she lied. “You look pale.”

  “The truth, I have slept little these days.” “Well, now, and tomorrow you take the day.”

  “I’d love to, but I’m afraid those things, and Samantha needs me.”

  “They’ll be just a few hours; besides, she can join us.”

  “Are you crazy? You want me to take my daughter to see a zombie when I forbade practically news channel to keep her from the situation in which we live? TV was rotten before it was un- veiled infection, imagine now,” she lies again.

  “As you like. This country needs to be cleaned based on science. Enough of losing human lives.”

  That sounded more than Donovan Miller, but the man who approved the idea of secretly contaminate bodies with bisphenol A, the business was falling over because of the zombies, and would do anything to wipe them out.

  When Miller arrived at the facility, there were two geneticists. Other people just responded to the greeting. Miller also empha- sized courtesies and settled lenses to better view the phenomenon.

  “Louis was his name. We put the virus directly into their veins willingly,” explained Frank.

  “By his own will? Do you know anyone who wants to be a bloody corpse of his own accord?” he questioned one of the doctors.

  “He is a convict who killed his boss with a virus, but otherwise, and was a few meters from a mob of infected who wanted to eat him. After that, he was traumatized and begged to be converted by injection and not by the teeth of a living corpse.”

  “That’s not legal. Did any contract was signed or something like that?” He turned to interfere with the same person.

  “Doc. With all due respect, we cannot afford to waste time with ink and paper when the country is in darkness.”

  “But someone was healthy, at least, was one of ours, and you followed the game to transform it, when it was best to help you feel alive. That was the right choice.”

  “Gentlemen are here to appreciate the behavior of a human being who returned converted after forty hours and is standing now in front of you. There is no way back. We think they are con- verted as Louis have no other fate to fall a bummer in the brain. But getting a copy in such detail is extraordinary. Have knowledge available, we will seek whatever is necessary to help them.”

  “We have very little,” interjected Miller. “Specialized in viruses and infectious diseases laboratories have not channeled one iota of success in the matter. If what he proposes is to give aspirin to a standstill, I must tell you that it made me lose my precious time.”

  We know we cannot give medication to a standstill, just ask

  them to observe, perhaps this table give them ideas. “How many hours takes you?”

  “As well as?”

  “So, standing like a plant in a sea without waves.”

  “A while. He awoke and rose with difficulty. Since then, he has

  neither given half a step.”

  “And, if they created a small disturbance?”

  “It gets interesting! I have called to see the dark role of an inert clown,” doctors protested another no desire to continue this, and less if the matter was to activate the enemy.

  Miller never had the idea to capture one and study it, much less with the risk involved being close. But now he had a copy a few meters, and looked up sedated. So, I wanted to go further

  “Bring an animal!

ther they looked at each other.

  “Yes, a dog, a cat, a rabbit... whatever move into that room to see the reaction of...”

  “Louis,” said one of the researchers.

  Next, Frank gave the order and, after a while, came up with a mongrel dog, something big. Yellow hair was burned, and very black snout.

  They opened the door cautiously and let the animal entered the room. Louis tottered slowly, and occasionally; a wet snoring could be heard through the intercom. His arms hung limp be- side the body. The shirt was the stain of liquid that had taken by mouth minutes after waking.

  The dog came with his nose touching the ground, recognizing the place, although it looked as if he were following the trail of something. When he approached the light, he stopped when he realized that there was a person inside the glass cube. At the event, he pricked up his ears and rolled her eyes fixed on Louis. A few

  seconds later, the dog ruled out the danger and moved closer to the cage. At that moment, the zombie noticed the presence of the animal. It was the first thing he saw move since returning from death. The dog returned to hit his nose and walked without taking his eyes off the undead. It seemed like the perfect animal for the experiment. However, Louis just turned toward the animal yellow hair. No reaction was expected from the meeting.

  “It’s time to show you a person,” said Frank.

  Those present looked at each other like imagining a kind of lottery or something, but certainly not last long. The boss himself took off his jacket and opened a couple of buttons on his shirt leaving the shape of a “V” on the chest. With both hands his pants up, by the side of the belt. I wanted to look as natural as possible, as people in their homes looks. He did not look at an- yone, just crossed the door where a man died and rose in a crystal prison.

  Figure Frank it became visible the closer to the glass walls. His footsteps left the shadows to be displayed in a single moment, against Louis, contaminated. The head was at the corner until his eyes met those faded eyes. The dog lay in a corner, his head above the front legs. His bright eyes were focused on those two charac- ters as in mourning.

  Frank came so close to the cage that reek of his breath fogged the glass. That was the closest I’d been one. It did not matter that separated a transparent wall. Admired great detail each part of his body. The hair was wet and, above all, very fine. Pale face seemed a perfect body. The lips looked dry and colorless, but what caused fear were those eyes. They say the eyes are the mirror of the soul, and precisely thus saw: off without the constant humidity, soulless.

  “Maybe not hungry enough,” said someone else.

  “Shhh,” from behind the scolding was heard, as people do in the movies when they open a package of candy.

  And it is that the film was put under extremely interesting.

  Frank picked up his phone and ordered them to bring a drill.

  “Sir, I do not think it’s a good idea.” “Oh yeah. It is an excellent idea.”

  One of the geneticists retired when he saw things get to that point. Miller took his place and was written with a smile. It was obvious that a mind like it was in favor of such an idea.

  “Sir, I think we should wait.”

  “We do not have to wait. This is the end of the evolution of these beings. Nothing will change. This type makes you smell us lack.”

  “Sir, with all due respect, is not a good idea. The glass can be broken.”

  “Only be a couple of holes. If drilled well, we will infuriate Louis as a shark off a handful of blood.”

  As the team responsible for searching the necessary and take appropriate measures, Frank ordered them all to go in to admire this aberration. Poor Louis could not remember his childhood, or his family. The hard disk memory was formatted by the Z virus, and that was enough to even know his name was Louis.

  “How good move. How come you do not troubled hunger that must have served and all these people in front of you?” Frank whispered very close to the glass.

  “You think only attracted by the smell and sound?” Miller asked.

  “For that we’ve called. In a way, Louis is a patient. You, with your clinical perception, can see more than any of us.”

  “Really, you’re crazy,” I closely Miller said.

  “You have no idea what I’m capable of doing the originator of the threatened disaster,” said Frank.

  That was the perfect place to know if Miller had something to do with the zombie epidemic, but the owner of Iceberg did not even notice the harshness of his words and continued to watch

  the body alive now. The worst of it was that her lover was the creator of the virus, and his own daughter was the first zombie on the face of the Earth.

  “We pay the same attention as the dog,” said the other doctor. Frank turned and said with a half-smile:

  “And you see when you open up holes to this tank.”

  The idea was completely crazy, but this is what makes the di- fference between a captain and a sailor.

  Soon, all present were prepared to see the reaction of the li- ving dead. For added security, two men wielding a pair of can- nons launch Super Talon Ultra networks, in case things got out of control. And it was possible, because that was glass could shatter as the auger tried to open the first hole. They were confident. In the end, the story was the same for everyone. A few holes in the glass, the zombie extend his arms forward with his mouth open, these left via which had entered, and end of the experiment. Fi- nally, when everyone returned to work, Louis would be released as promised brown.

  Moving the auger touched the glass wall, but these were kept standing before the show. The noise drew the attention of Louis, however, not well oriented. Just gave little twists on the same ful- crum, but nothing more.

  Miller noticed that the zombie raised his nose like trying to detect a smell. Seconds later, on the glass brittle brands like a co- bweb were plotted. Finger man holding the drill broke away from the trigger. Those who held the gun lance networks deployed their senses by the threat it represented.

  “Boss, this looks very badly frightened”.

  Do your work until the bit pass across. This bastard is going to

  smell human flesh here and now.

  The living corpse of Louis passive showed through the glass. That created confidence in the environment, mainly in the man holding the drill, and without thinking of greater evils, pushed


  Glass fragments fell into triangles of different sizes. One of the men holding the gun accidentally fired and captured the other geneticist. Louis turned, like a monster full of power, with palms forward. Nothing to do with the passive figure who had shown all the time. Others ran in terror. The other network cannon fired correctly and wrapped zombie, but this did not stop to take out his arms through the holes and catch the doctor with his claws. The dog started barking defensive position and tail wagging from side to side. Louis’s teeth came so quickly to the doctor’s face that no one had time to react. Both fell to the ground. The undead dominated the fight. One of the cameras fell from a kick in the attempt to escape that devilish creature. After a few seconds, no more kicks, but a couple of wobbly legs pain. Blood ran below the knee’s zombie, human flesh that slid down his throat. He ate desperate, like a vicious animal. Frank returned to the scene with the gun loaded. The dog barking told him to shoot once, and he did. But the shooting was the Geneticist body.

  Someone else also returned with a gun.

  “Why you shot the doctor?” Questioned one of his men. “Because I promised I would leave this unhappy free when

  awakened from death.”

  The man challenged Frank and targeted the zombie. Frank got

  in the way.

  “This makes no difference. It is only one among millions. In addition, I always keep my dealings.”

  He took a side step and burst the skull zombie four shots.

  “The deal you did, not me; and it is now one less among millions.”

  Miller turned more surpri
sed than scared, and wasted no time before calling Rachel.

  “What a great scene you missed!”

  “What happened?” She asked desperately.

  “One of those damn ripped converted to a colleague face with his teeth and wrapped in a network.”

  “What are you telling me Miller? Do you drink?”

  “I’ve never been more sober. It reminded me of an unforget- table piece of my life, when my mother took me to a small circus, and one of the lions devoured their coach full function.”

  “And that causes you pleasure? I have not seen and have chills just thinking about how it happened. And if you had, been you?”

  “Bad weed never dies,” scoffed at himself. “I do not know, I feel this day, something great will come to close with a flourish our career and retire to rest on an island without pollution.”

  “What do you mean exactly?”

  “Rachel, people get richer at the expense of the misfortune of others. The first power is fucked, and the world is afraid. You’re the brains of the company; think of something and I promise to get away from everything. Samantha, you and me.”

  She was sad and pensive when he heard the name of his daughter. A few seconds later, he hung with the lower lip bitten anxiety.

  “Who is the brain of the company?” Frank asked accommo- dating the gun in the holster.

  “The most illustrious professional who exists on this planet.” “And your name is?”

  “That’s not important.” He turned to see the two bodies tra- pped in the net. “The important thing is that we are safe, although ordered through that glass. So, do you think a name is important when you put everyone’s life at stake on purpose?”

  Frank realized that Miller was more than just a director at a

  center of genetic and took him outside.

  “What can you do then, you and the mysterious Doctor?” Lit