The Bullet That Killed The World Page 5
On the third day, Miller rang the bell of the residence of her lover firmly. This was not enough, and banged his fist on the glass door. Donovan attended him personally. Miller’s face was hard as plaster. Without preamble, he asked for it, and Donovan told him that at that time it was impossible to go out and see it. This time, his face exceeded the hardness of a bronze statue.
“Believe it or not, you have a work commitment, and their phones are disabled, what the hell?”
“It’s Samantha, is very ill. And Rachel will not peel it.” “But we are doctors all here, what can be so serious?”
“The Bisphenol. That’s how serious he said looking him straight in the back of his eyes.”
“If you think I’m guilty ... Forward! Call the police, NASA if you like, but it was you who put that heart your daughter! I was with your wife across the world!”
Donovan slammed his fist into the face of his boss. The man stood by the wall. Still, he stumbled and put one hand on the couch.
Before things got worse, Rachel appeared in the room.
“If I turned off my phone is because I needed to disconnect from the world.”
“I’m not the world, but I’m...”
“Wait, I have not finished talking. What I say is that my dau- ghter is so complicated that it is impossible to separate me from his side. She sleeps in my lab, and know the reason to spare. You have every right to come as my boss and my friend, but I cannot let see it. That issue concerns us only my husband and me. I humbly ask that you leave and when you finish this torment, I will give a detailed explanation.”
A Miller convinced him that pale face after the hangover of intense crying and many days without sleep. He straightened his jacket, ran his hand over his mouth and looked to see if there was blood. It took off without closing the door. It was the right time for Donovan to explain to his wife that there was no reason to keep her daughter on life. He said from the depths of your pain. Things had gone too far, and madness tired, so gives us a quiet lagoon periodically.
Unfortunately, that was the reality. Rachel was suffering from insanity, because, deep down, he knew his daughter was dead, but not bear to see it underground like the neighbor’s dog. Why he did not elaborate and returned to her. Donovan followed her, asking her to come to his senses. He would also hurt, but had to move on, get over it. It was not fair, but better injustice or speak because he was the biggest loser in history.
By passing the laboratory door, he felt the characteristic stench since Samantha went into critical condition. Serum was corrupted creating a virus of a different nature.
“Perhaps not you see? It’s not her. Look at her! It’s decom-
posed! It looks like a zombie!”
“My daughter is alive; my daughter is alive!” she muttered angrily.
“This alive by this device!” exclaimed exalted the power cord in his hand.
“Drop that cable, Donovan! I demand you away from that
cable right now!” she said menacingly with fire in his eyes.
“She’s my daughter too, and I’m right on it. He is no longer with us. And my decisions have weight in this family. I prefer my- self to lose my daughter to see her break down in my own home.”
“Samantha is sick, and I will heal. Stay away from that cable or I’ll kill you with my bare hands, “snoring in his voice as if he had got the devil in the body.”
“I’m sorry, Rachel, has already been too long, and this has only made things worse.”
Donovan approached the switch apparatus Samantha kept alive, and Rachel hit his head on an aluminum tube. The blow was so strong as a drive of a major leaguer. Dr. Donovan fell to the ground unconscious. He came out blood from the head, and suddenly, Samantha lifted her nose, as if trying to locate where it came from that smell.
Indeed, the smell of blood aroused. The virus had appeared in his body so that primitive functions activated in the command center of your brain, and one of those functions was ruled by hunger.
This time his head moved toward the body of Donovan with the compass of his nose. He sniffed quietly. Just he appreciated how dilated nostrils. The girl recovered motor function. He moved his hands, then feet again head back and forth, making sure that the blood flowed to his left. Rachel froze. She was not sure of the strength he had used to hit her husband. She went into shock when she realized that her daughter was hovering over the bed. Consumed with fear. It had been many impossible things so far, but see how Samantha tried to stand was a miracle, but dark.
Chapter 4. The first zombie.
The girl had been through a lot; since his illness, which led her to obtain a contaminated heart, until awakening transformed into zombie death. He had returned from death with a powered by lupus, mixed with bisphenol A, rabies and invented by his mo- ther’s serum reacted fatal virus on your system. This does not mean that these are the ingredients to create the virus Z. Although the order of events took Samantha to not knowing who he was, did not even recognize the man who was lying on the floor with face resting in a pool of blood. That smell the stimulus and an insatiable hunger made up. Then he dropped on Donovan’s body and began to devour him with claws and teeth.
Rachel was shocked. At bottom, he had managed to revive his daughter. The girl was there, kneeling, taking blood smeared fingers to his mouth. His half-open eyes, but dared not look di- rectly. Rachel could not stand to witness the scene and left the lab, leaving her daughter to feed, literally, the body of her husband.
The head was burning in a mixture of uncontrollable thou- ghts. He is trying to calm down, but the current of thought did not stop. Pain increasingly penetrated, and felt, for the first time that his house had been transformed into a hell. The last thing she remembered was her daughter kneeling alongside the body of Donovan, feeding on the raw meat. Much he wanted to maul his ideas, that image exploded as strong as if they had opened Pando- ra’s box in his mind. He could not divest himself of such aberrant vision, and this was enough to break to mourn as a deranged.
After six hours, Rachel was petrified at the same corner where
he sat to suffer the events of that tragic day. I was not going to
stay a lifetime there. The blow gave her husband probably left him lifeless. His daughter was awake, but with the appearance of a corpse, and surely Miller drowned in worries.
I finally had consciousness and prepared to order, as far as possible, that bloody puzzle which she was ultimately responsible. a bottle of cold water to the mouth was carried last sip and let it to cool the face. He looked around. He tuned ear when the distance the sirens of a police car were heard. A bitter coquille he sailed through the esophagus. I had to put an end to this nightmare.
He walked disoriented. He sniffed his arm and took small bites. He is trying to find out what he knew his flesh. Maddened at every step. He tried to approach and, in a few seconds, pulled away again. I had no strength to kick the chairs or walls. Finally, he walked slowly to the laboratory. It seemed an eternity to get there. He bent down and put his ear to the door. So, a good time was left until persuaded to look through the glass box inside. He did not see anyone. Things were like before, except for a pool of dried blood. Donovan’s image alive and his dead daughter, Rachel gave her strength to go further.
“Samantha ... Sami, are you there? Your daddy is there? Dau- ghter answered. I’m Rachel, remember? I am your mother. I gave your life, love, in fact, I’ve given my life twice. I’ll go. I’m Rachel, your mom. Samantha ... Samantha.”
Nothing. A fly is not listening. Similarly, the door had to be opened someday, and it was better to open it herself and not the police. He put his hand on the doorknob and strong clenched teeth. She was slowly giving back, and, at that moment, the phone rang in the house. Almost died of fright. All his muscles quivered, and the adrenaline rush almost crack the chest. Beats, mixed with fear, he created a buzz in the ears, but still could hear the digital phone ringtone. When the annoying tone ceased, Rachel had one foot in the laboratory. He exam
ined every detail. He took another look at the dried blood stuck to the floor, and again came to mind all the events since Donovan struck with the aluminum tube. He caught her crying and took a little more. He followed the tracks
to a door leading to the cellar. Rachel could not believe that nei- ther her husband nor her daughter was present. What happened then? It is true that were stressful days, and too many hours wi- thout sleep, but I was sure of beating Donovan when he wanted Samantha off. Until he remembered when he said he preferred death to see her break down in your own home. There was no place to look; at least not in the laboratory, in addition, the blood was a sign that had escaped the cellar. Again, hitting the nightmare wrapped his ear to the door and turned the knob. This time, he prepared his mind if the phone rang again. Again, hitting the ni- ghtmare wrapped his ear to the door and turned the knob. This time, he prepared his mind if the phone rang again. the blood was a sign that had escaped the cellar.
Downstairs, a hallucinatory fear broke. The smell of damp, dust, and chemical reagents gave that bitter taste to life when in danger, especially when there was a monster inside ten years forward to eating human flesh. There was also the possibility that Donovan, should be alive, I would get even beat against his mad wife. But that possibility was ruled out when Rachel saw open the small window that faced the street, and also there was blood on the frame. Under the window, there was a fall, it was obvious chair in which he had supported Donovan to escape, but it was impossible for Samantha had followed him. She was smaller, and the fact of becoming a zombie did not give him super powers, but quite the opposite. Rachel walked slowly into the gloom. He stopped when he heard a muffled hum behind her. Immediately, he put the chair in a position to escape. His eyes were as wide as a cat in the dark. He remained attentive to any silhouette, anything that moved. A few seconds passed, and the voice caused her the hairs on his arms, only this time it sounded like a whimper. There was no doubt that it was his daughter, but why not leave? Per- haps he was afraid of the light? She had lupus, but it was not a rational being, not even experiencing pain or fear. In that the girl had become. He had not only changed his appearance, but he was also a killing machine just to feed themselves. He did not mind attacking Donovan and maybe do the same with her mother, so
Rachel did not depart from that window for a while. Immediately, he put the chair in a position to escape. His eyes were as wide as a cat in the dark. He remained attentive to any silhouette, anything that moved. A few seconds passed, and the voice caused her the hairs on his arms, only this time it sounded like a whimper. There was no doubt that it was his daughter, but why not leave? Per- haps he was afraid of the light? She had lupus, but it was not a rational being, not even experiencing pain or fear. In that the girl had become. He had not only changed his appearance, but he was also a killing machine just to feed themselves. He did not mind attacking Things got worse when the late, defunct, was giving him land at night. The window lighting faded quickly. The switch was near the door, but Rachel did not occur on the light. As before, you had to solve the puzzle. If Donovan died on the streets, an investigation would be opened, and the first suspect would be Rachel. If it came alive to the police station, not just tell he was attacked by his wife and bitten by her daughter, but also tell her about the infected organs. And if it were turned into a zombie, like he’d put Stuffy head and then Rachel would go to ask what the hell happened to her husband transformed into that thing. Many people have weapons, and Atlanta is filled with cameras everywhere. What did it matter, then?
Rachel approached the switch and lit the stage. He quickly found Samantha in one corner. The girl could not move. Do- novan had tied up with tape lead color. He covered her mouth with a piece of dirty cloth and secured with tape over the edge of a shelf. Rachel trembled against the creature. Although this was how he saw her for the last time, he remembered healthy. He did not even have that mark on her knees with children when they are buying their first bike. Now he had a large scar on his chest and some pieces of skin sagging due to the process of putrefaction of the blood.
Samantha anchored look at the bottom of the eyes of his mo- ther. Rachel watched from the medical point of view that aberra- tion. The white part was yellow with a black root of blood vessels. The iris was completely gray, barely revealing the small dark circle
of the pupil. She wondered if her daughter could see neat or with changes, had suffered some eye disease. I also knew that, if asked, would not answer.
The first thing he did was remove the cloth covering his mouth. The girl exhaled breath sewer. Then he proceeded cautiously to remove the countless turns of tape that kept tied. I was scared, but it was his daughter, despite the macabre aspect, still loved. When only a few laps, Rachel thought twice before releasing it completely. If she attacked Donovan, he was very likely to attack her in the same basement. But a hunch moved his hands in favor of leaving it binding, and much more carefully than before, took off the tape to avoid more harm skin.
Samantha barely moved. The ceremony had been like pulling a dummy pin. There was no expression of pain, not of anger or aggression. Rachel stepped back without taking his eyes off me and sat down in the chair near the window. Samantha slowly ree- ling from coordination failures. Occasionally, a strange noise came from his throat, like a fragmented voice. They spent a long-time mother and daughter facing each other end to end in the base- ment of the house.
Limply to contract the diaphragm, Rachel made a decision that burned her cheeks. The girl had to be sacrificed or would have to be allowed to eat as it tried to do with Donovan. I could not wait any longer. Every minute of uncertainty was worse than thou- sands of jaws in his gut. He wiped the last tears of his life and moved slowly. I knelt and lowered his head guiltily all. He raised his eyes and placed his forearm near the mouth. Samantha did not react. Even he approached forearm to his lips, and did not move a muscle. Rachel did not even feel the breath of his daughter and thought: “She’s dead, but is standing; it’s definitely a living dead.”
As if he had read her mind, Samantha dropped her chin on her mother’s shoulder. This time, Rachel thought the worst and waited a brutal bite on her slender neck. His eyes very tight, but the girl took off cautiously and raised his hand to accommodate hair behind her ear. Rachel felt the caress, and relief calmed the
fear of his heart. Despite the atrocity committed, there was a con- nection. Anyway, Rachel’s frustration to lead Samantha to that state so depressed that picked up the mirror of his room to take him to the basement, he settled on the floor and put his daughter in front. Sami was indifferent to his reflection.
“Look what I’ve done with you!” she said with feverish but dry eyes.
Samantha looked as if he knew that this woman had done the impossible to save his life. At least that she caught Rachel, and then his worst follies shot. If your daughter was discovered as a zombie, it would be exterminated immediately. The mirror did not show a single Samantha, but two. But even with two, it was still an easy target. Rachel grabbed her hand and led her to the lab. It took several blood samples and placed under the microscope. After examining them, his lips drew a smile with evil accent.
He went to the refrigerator and took out a piece of raw meat, served it on a plate, but Samantha ignored him.
“Eat, love,” Rachel must feed ‘I said pointing to the meat.
It was clear that the girl did not even try bite of a deceased. Any human alive except his mother would eat. And the reason why he attacked Donovan was simple: it was not his real father. In this act the suspicion that Miller was the father of Samantha was confirmed.
Just after twelve o’clock, Rachel rose to her daughter in the backseat of the car, and left manhunt. Constantly he watched in the rearview mirror. This distracted her so much that ran a red light and automatically colored lights of a police car guarding the burned area. Initially, the intention was to stop, but despite having no almost no circulating at that time, the best thing he could think was cause a short chase to a
place away from the cameras. Finally, he parked the car and rolled down the window with his hands on the wheel. By the side mirror, he saw the police approaching one hand on the flashlight and the other in the holster. White light blinded her eyes, and a voice ordered him out of the car with his
hands on his head. Rachel was shaking with fear. His daughter was about to be discovered in zombie state. The police removed the handcuffs and, at that moment, heard a snoring coming from the back. The man turned the flashlight to the place of shadowy voice and saw Samantha’s face. It frightened by his appearance, drew his gun and ordered him to leave immediately. Rachel took advantage of the distraction and jabbed his toe in the testicles. Bended knee pain, saw her run to the police car. From the ground, the man said to him, and she accelerated her head to one side. A couple of shots pierced the windshield, but not stopped. Ford defense rammed hard man. He got desperate, looking everywhere. A few meters away, he picked up the gun and pointed straight to the face. The policeman was writhing in pain,
“Do not do crazy that you have to repent then” he said from the floor.
On the other hand, Samantha thumped inside the car. I wanted to leave, but his brain had withered to the point that I did not know how. So, without thinking or half a second, mother opened the door and saw her jump like a hungry tiger. Among the flashes of colored lights, blood spattered in all directions. Rachel looked away and covered his ears, avoiding hear the screams of the victim.