The Bullet That Killed The World Page 4
Donovan felt the blood burning in his veins. His cheeks turned red, and an electrifying pang ran down her neck. An air bubble and disappointment blocked his throat and under her eyes, tears ran.
“You’re not capable of that. Tell me it’s a joke. Tell me this is a fucking joke.”
Rachel shook her head.
“I prefer to hear you say you went crazy to assume that Sa- mantha has an artificial organ that is killing. Tell me you’re not right in the head. Tell me, by God!”
“I’m really sorry. But now when my head should be more fo- cused to make at least Bisphenol A can drive down the road that is needed.”
“Are poisoning anyone who? Is that the plan of life that con- tinues in business? Is that the genetic revolution? Our names are displayed as geniuses of biology. The last word of science! Why prices fell suddenly. The solution is in excess of the acquisition cost of organs because the treatment was profit. Incredible, Ra- chel! Amazing! When Samantha is healed, you and Miller psycho- path will go to trial.”
“I’m your wife, Donovan, you cannot do this!”
“You are a monster. How can you have contrived something so evil? Something that reached the center of the chest of our daughter.”
“I promise to erase the traces of bisphenol A in Samantha, and I will with all patients who have purchased the infected or- gans. We have the record and the medical records of them. I pro- mise you.”
Donovan felt betrayed. His wife and Dr. Paul Miller created a trap for sick patients with a proposal to improve life behind, without the worst of all betrayals of the flesh, and which never knew. That contradiction of light and shadow in the field of me- dicine was used to worsen lives and not for the better. And the saddest thing was that Samantha was part of the shadows by the chemical compound also mingled with lupus.
Rachel’s approach strayed having no idea how to remove bis- phenol A. The first thing that crossed his mind was to create a serum that will help dissolve the chemical. This under a strict diet and total rest, but the result was not as expected, so he kept trying strongest components.
They were the days of more trouble in that house. Samantha Donovan attending better than ever while Rachel was undergoing to fight bisphenol A. They spent a couple of weeks, and the girl began to behave inappropriately with his father. He demanded to be let out of that bed, but both Rachel and her husband knew that would worsen his condition. For her, everything seemed fine, and did not understand why was hospitalized in his own room when he was already feeling better. Mother choked thousand swords and wall. Her guilty conscience to deceive her husband for life with Dr. Miller. The guilty conscience of having hidden the pro- ject degenerating organs saved the company, but worsened the health of his daughter. On top of that, Miller weighed pressure as to keep the secret, and more if it was the irreproachable Dr. Donovan, who loved him more medicine than his own life. Solve medical problems was not only his career, profession, or work; was his passion, the reason for its existence, and, therefore, would never have agreed to join the project contaminate bisphenol A. organs was extremely clean and honest. Rachel loved him in his way, but he felt the infernal party seeking every woman was away at him. That’s why he never gave up the throne of fire where he burned with Miller. I would never have agreed to join the project contaminate bisphenol A. organs was extremely clean and honest. Rachel loved him in his way, but he felt the infernal party see- king every woman was away at him. That’s why he never gave up
the throne of fire where he burned with Miller. I would never have agreed to join the project contaminate bisphenol A. organs was extremely clean and honest. Rachel loved him in his way, but he felt the infernal party seeking every woman was away at him. That’s why he never gave up the throne of fire where he burned with Miller.
Samantha had had enough and broke objects in his room. Ra- chel could not stand the pressure. I did not sleep. Lucia gaunt, pale, and a pair of dark circles shadowed her face. Rarely she came to see Samantha, and came wrapped in tears when she heard her daughter repeat that wanted to die. She only asked Donovan to try to calm her, make a mistake in the laboratory complicate things.
Finally, they sedated. Samantha said slumbering means: “Mommy, do not let me die,” pleaded with white voice.
“That will not happen, my love,” she said with the words clo- tted in her throat.
“I do not know. When I sleep, I think I will not wake up.” “Why do you say that?”
Rachel tears with the back of his hands wiped. “Sometimes dream that I walk the streets of a dead city.” “You know what they say?”
“When girls dream that, is because they will live longer.” “I love you mommy.”
The girl circled her neck with his thin arms and fell asleep.
Chapter 3. Black globules.
For Rachel, time had become an increasingly dense haze. Sleep pounded eyelids and he blinked hard to frighten him. Sometimes she thought watching the shadow of Donovan through the crys- tal-clear picture, but actually look at the lab door meant losing a second concentration. His hands and his ideas should be faster than the poisonous fluid. Just thinking, I came chills throughout the body. Finally, a compound obtained destroying molecules bis- phenol A in the body. The formula was good, but not entirely effective. I knew I could improve, but lose more time meant lo- sing ground to death.
Immediately he funneled the vein of his daughter. The serum was supplied to Samantha higher efficiency in failure, and this left quieter. But, indeed, things could not get worse. The chemical and corrupted reacted fatal blood. The effect caused high fever and muscle aches.
The girl endured no longer be lying. Donovan tried to con- vince insisting that it was for her sake, and on more than one occasion, had to place him the needle, which, by default, jumped from his veins. Suffering consumed them at her twisted, clutching the sheets and pillows very strong pain. Rachel returned to the laboratory for new solutions, but this time, she fell asleep on his notes, and Donovan, who had not rested enough, he dropped down on the couch.
Samantha, desperate, escaped through the window bound for nowhere. For her, anything was better than home at the time. The neighbor’s dog, seeing in the dark, began to bark wildly, and the girl, full of hate, threw a stone. The dog went through a hole in
the fence of the courtyard and pounced. Samantha tried to dodge him, but the animal fit fangs into his leg, injecting a dose of conta- minated foam with rage. He was very violent. The defense turned into attack and grabbed the dog by the collar. The animal body writhed in the air with all four legs stretched forward. Samantha seemed possessed by the devil himself. She is panting with anger, stealing the sparkle in his eyes. He realized that the animal did not offer more resistance and dropped it at his feet gave. The girl’s chest swelled as if the air that took the dog had happened to her. And, as a criminal, he dug a hole with his hands to bury him.
Rachel awoke suddenly and went to her daughter’s room. The horror was manifested in his whole being when he saw, through the window, Samantha threw handfuls of dirt behind. Next, he went to look for her. She looked indifferent, then he looked at the dog, less life than a scarf, and went on digging. The mother put a hand on the mouth, avoiding shouting, and motioned to get up off the ground. At home, she gave him a clean towel and left it on the bathroom door. The sound of water, Rachel slid her back down the wall with tears in her throat off.
In the fourth, strong he embraced his daughter and helped her to dry her hair. He felt a hot, perhaps by water vapor. He kissed her forehead and replaced the needle with more than one serum that will literally was rotting blood. He is closing the window and returned to the laboratory to improve the chemical compound.
At dawn, Samantha slept. Rachel came to replace the bag for another with more serum. As he approached, he felt a strange stench. He lifted one side of the sheet, and a hot wave-smelling cheese made her nose out elsewhere. He put his hand on the fore- head of the girl, and metal burned like fire. Something w
as wrong. He examined the scar on his chest, with no apparent changes. He worried odor, although the former was to lower the fever.
Donovan’s displeasure was feverish skin as Samantha, but he loved his wife and felt remorse to threaten the police. After showering, he went to the lab and through the glass box, saw things changing place.
“What is supposed to invent now?”
“You help me move this metal table while I explain, will you?”
Rubbing of aluminum with smooth floor gave chills.
“Where you going to put this thing?”
“At your left, against the wall. Here I’ll put Samantha’s bed.” “No, Rachel. What do you say?”
“Listen to me, Donovan, do not torment me more than I am. Our daughter has a high fever, and must be for an infection. I monitor it while working in the serum and I see how I´m going to accuse you. I hear you say that the police contaminate the process of synthetic organs.”
“That I wanted to talk. I do not want to break our marriage, not after the scare he gave me Samantha.”
“Scare made me in the morning when I saw her in the yard burying the neighbor’s dog.”
“What are you saying? Our daughter did not ... Why would he do that?”
“I do not know. Do me a favor and put away the metal tube also.”
“Last night I had a strange dream ‘I told me. He was on a bench in front of a hospital, and beside me an old woman in black clothes sat. He looked like a vagrant. He smiled at me with raised eyebrows and started humming something, as if waiting for something. The sound in her voice modulated exactly aligned with the sirens of an ambulance parked in front of emergencies. I remember dawn. She got up and motioned me to follow her. I ig- nored it. Turning around, I followed her with his eyes. Paramedics took the body and disappeared behind the doors of the hospital. Vagrant entered with them. Instantly, I was lying, surrounded by doctors. I had to hurry on a stretcher. Ceiling lights went at full speed, as the lines of the road. I felt the blow of doors and even the sound of the hinges. They left me alone. The room looked
the last century. The roof had lost painting by moisture. A ghostly fear gripped me when the darkness came a shadow. It was the vagabond. I recognized his smile and his dirty clothes. And be- fore he could scream, I stuck an axe in his chest. The walls were spattered with dark blood, as if he had black blood cells. There I woke up.”
“And for that. I do not find sense and seems more a night- mare,” she chided.
“Dreams are like that, often meaningless. But that dream is connected to this house.”
“Donovan, you accused me crazy yesterday. You should direct
the diagnosis towards you.”
“I’m not saying that you or I are crazy. Very stressed and tired itself. But just wanted you to know, and I’ll not speak to anyone about the organs, provided that end with this charade.”
“And I promised. I like that the promises are odd. Do you understand?”
“I get it.”
“Watch out with those jars, they have reactive! Better take them to the basement around back and come back soon to help me with Sami.”
They finished the laboratory condition and moved to Sa- mantha there. They lunched that day at the table, and Rachel slept for a while.
The phone woke her.
“How are you over there? Tell me you have something?”
“I have. Otherwise, I would not have slept a couple of hours.” “And what Donovan knows?”
“I’m sorry, Miller, I had to tell the truth.” “What did you tell why? I cannot believe it!”
“Calm. First it altered a bit, but is very concerned about Sa-
mantha, and do not want to see me behind bars.”
“Maybe you do not, but I ... And more if one day he discovers...” “Pay attention. Now there cannot be an ‘us’. I have things to
do, and my daughter is in danger yet. The serum is not finished.”
“I just said you already have it.”
“But I lack. It is a compound that destroys the molecules of bisphenol A in the blood, but is not complete, and do not know if it causes adverse reactions in the body.”
“Why do not you come and analyze the compound in Iceberg? Also, I want you to check out some accounts of some clients who have dated for transplants.”
“I’m sorry, but Donovan made me promise not to tell anyone what if we end up infected with the project organs.”
“It’s crazy! I think Dr. Donovan is superfluous in Iceberg and
... in our lives.”
“Shut! I do not want to believe that what you said seriously.” “If you defend him so much, why do not you tell him I´m
better than him?”
“I do not like the course of this conversation; you’d better talk another day.”
“Then I forced to take decisions.”
“Miller, enough! My daughter’s grave, and I am wasting valu- able time. I thank you called, but sometimes an unpleasant word triggers a discussion. So, I think too much about how to say things, because you’re not like me. You use the brain for genetic wonderfully, but turn it off when it comes to personal things. You have a direct connection from heart to tongue, and that has consequences.”
“Rachel, thank you for your reflection, but I know too much to be the master of my life and my actions. I told you I’ll do what I have to do,” replied ironic and menacing at the same time.
The conversation ended with a bitter tone for both, and, under such circumstances, Rachel had to find the absolute effective- ness. Samantha did not wake up, and his condition was becoming worse. The rage that had acquired the dog merged with lupus and bisphenol A. Literally, was incubating a bomb that would trigger a human disaster. Rachel spun Miller’s words, and all he took out was the idea of experimenting in laboratories Iceberg. However, it was too late.
The girl trembled because of the fever so high that it seemed to shine. His body stank, and the skin turned yellow. Donovan took her in his arms and heard a desperate snore, as if he were asking for the salvation of his own soul. She was so weak that a mannequin was stronger that her. He coughed involuntarily, and the shirt on Donovan shoulder was stained with dark blood and the breath of a hyena.
“Quick, Donovan, the girl said we are dying,” desperate when he saw Rachel barely reacted.
Samantha was a child of average height, with brown hair, and before becoming ill, her skin was white. She had big eyes and his nose resembled that of anime, small and firm. He not highlighted in the studies, but respected his parents and loved his way. He did not express affection. Extremely shy. He lived without financial worries, but did not care about material things. The worst thing in life was suffered heart transplantation. His thin body was ideal for youthful clothes and look good. She accompanied her pretty face, but unfortunately that was all about to end. His life was planning a limb spasm bright. And the strength he had left was enough to breathe. The fever rose, and serum blood contaminated him.
Rachel was spinning in circles. He made hand gestures and whispered chemical formulas in mind. Donovan jumped when she saw her daughter’s back arching sharply. That movement was not good and also affected the chest, where his new heart bea- ting. Suddenly they attacked convulsions, and a dark green liquid, almost black, came out of his mouth. Rachel cried helplessly des- perate and walked around his daughter. Donovan ran to take the
pressure. It was impossible to medicate more. His body reacted well to the transplant, but the formula trying to clean up the chaos created bisphenol A which had no other result than sudden death.
O’Connor Samantha Hayes died that afternoon after several hours of fighting. Rachel was shattered. Donovan did not even believe it. He thought that, from one moment to another, her little girl would wake up, but the slim body, brown hair and large eyes, had stopped breathing. Rachel sank into uncontrollable weeping. His hands covered his cheeks, and his long fingers touched her temple. He was so lost in her suffering seemed that she would be next
to die. But Rachel was a fighter. His acts were reputed to be consistent, and the next step would be important not only for his life but the lives of many people. He stood in a corner and mourn while, the team prepared to supply artificial life to her dau- ghter. I needed that heart beating again. He stuck a needle with adrenaline, directly to the left ventricle to make you an immediate contraction, and reanimated with external massage. What Rachel needed was a little longer. She was sure she could detoxify his daughter and bring her back.
Life markers again be active, but only by machines. Rachel was the best in desperate situations, and Donovan as efficient in sa- ving lives that maybe Samantha had a minimal chance to get out of limbo. It was at the mercy of artificial stabilizers and, without losing a tiny fragment of time, the mother started to finish what he started.
They spent long hours. Everyone to his work. Rachel’s phone rang a few times, and without looking who it was, turned it off. The focus of a mind was never clearer toward a goal. His eyes checked through a microscope; the reaction of bisphenol A. treat- ment fourteen hours elapsed since Samantha had died. Rachel just had the head to save her, no matter the method.
Thirty-six hours later, Samantha showed off some black fu- rrows in his bone white flesh. He looked pale and lost hair. At 48 hours, pieces of skin were opened in the arms and legs. Right cheek was bruised, to be opened as well. Donovan could not take
over the situation. It was incomprehensible that were breaking when teams kept their lungs with oxygen and your heart beating. But precisely that was the problem. Dark Blood became a process of putrefaction that contaminated your body with a high-grade virus. The worst part was trying to keep her alive. The virus was developed in his brain. Samantha recuperating life in an incom- prehensible way for medicine and won the battle to the Grim Re- aper. The price was high. Her beautiful figure now represented a decomposing corpse. Rachel did not look too bad, because I knew that it was curable if Samantha came out of that bed on his own feet, but Donovan was horrified against the pale body with cracks and bits of loose hair on the pillow.