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The Bullet That Killed The World
The Bullet That Killed The World Read online
thatkilled the world
Pavel Alling
The bullet that killed the world Pavel Alling, 2020
Cover desing: Pavel Alling [email protected]
All rights reserved.
Total or partial reproduction of this work is not alowed.
The infringement of said rights may constitute a crime against intellectual property
Chapter 1. Breach of order.7
Chapter 2. Iceberg.25
Chapter 3. Black globules.41
Chapter 4. The first zombie.51
Chapter 5. I want to be one of them.67
Chapter 6. One less among millions.81
Chapter 7. Human hunting.93
Chapter 8. Survivor nightmare.109
Chapter 9. Where is the Cadet?119
Chapter 10. The refined art of deception.129
Chapter 11. The seed of death.147
Chapter 12. Man is a wolf to man.167
Chapter 13. The bullet that killed the world. 179
Chapter 14. A glimmer of hope for Samantha. 193
Chapter 15. Operation Dragonfly.205
Chapter 16. Land of zombies.217
Chapter 17. A winter four years.229
Chapter 1. Breach of order.
South of Stalingrad, near an oil base, seven men boarded a plane reconnaissance mission to verify the existence of the virus in plants, animals, water and air. The aircraft was modified to carry light weapons in the event of defense against a multitude of in- fected. Landing point would be New Orleans, or «the nest» as it was already known. Two months have passed since the last time they touched American soil. They felt frustrated and especially threatened. Personnel nominated for the reconnaissance mission had drawn defeat in his eyes. They knew they would go into a hos- tile territory that was once his home, where the undead roaming the streets could be your neighbors, friends, and in the worst case, your family. Almost impossible after pollution seized their cells recognize. It was like watching another race of humans, rotten, aggressive race that only felt no urge to feed on contaminated meat.
They are chosen for this mission carrying waterproof suits. Two of the members were Russian, one specialist in molecular biology. The goal seemed easy, fly to New Orleans and collect samples designated to study them thoroughly in a lab, but above all, shut his mouth to the media that had the world in check with news to the four winds, ensuring the virus it is spread through the air and the test was the detection of outbreaks in different countries. For this reason, the return of those men was the key to whether pollution lived only within the zombies or had spent the environment. In either case, the answer would be the same. No government it suited the idea of an international panic.
Long flying hours passed before Zero territory. Who knew each work assigned, and were convinced that nothing could pen- etrate the aircraft, but this did not look like what previously lived? It was hard to recognize that they faced themselves modified by a virus. Les terrified of opening fire from the plane into human
beings who, without asking, were transformed into those things without the use of reason.
“If at least one part of his brain shows them that we are not the enemy. All they have to do is wait a cure. While they can feed on other things.”
“Other things?” he asked exalted one.
“Yes. Synthetic foods, plants or animals. But no, it’s as if they had placed a chip in his head that drives them to devour people.”
“It’s too late for that. They are no longer human.”
Russians lined eyes to listen to the debate of the American military.
“Well, gentlemen,” interrupted the passenger with his cap under his arm, “from now enter into phantom mode. In a few minutes we will play land and we must put the costumes.”
At 13 hours, the reconnaissance aircraft successfully dropped an airport impossible to recognize. The runway was covered with a green blanket of pure nature. The wind blew a little strength, so the birds were moving from one tree to another looking for tranquility. Fifteen minutes were enough to rule out move, but the danger could be around any corner. Finally, five men descended and, without peel off the plane, released a couple of drones to perceive beyond his eyes. The pilot and the Russian biologist waited inside.
No trace of hostility nearby, seven men were on American ter- ritory with their white suits and cameras on the helmets on. They moved slowly, their heads moving in circles looking for anything that walked on two legs. The more they left the plane, most were approaching death.
Inside the terminal, the feeling was worse. Dust and bird droppings covered the crystals, leaving inside the shadows. It was impossible to describe the desolation of this place. Salons uninhabited, with its long rows of seats, and shops closed de- pressed unwillingly. If there is one place in the world where there
are always people at airports. He could not conceive so quiet, but not noisy at all flinch wanted their hearts. On the other hand, passing several hallways and stairs dead from lack of electricity, they reached the street. Bushes seemed to have walked on its roots to invade the streets. They did not dare to believe what they ap- preciated with your own eyes. Vegetation multiplied over time, all thanks to the absence of the man’s hand. Three hours were enough to collect samples that were necessary. Nobody wanted to take off at dusk, and in the winter time, died early evening.
Again, deployed drones and reconnaissance maneuvers de- tected something horrible. About fifty meters, they captured the image of a body lying on the floor. They approached the camera for details and confirmed that a body was turned into a zombie. Terror they burst into the nerves when they saw a black colored bird feeding her womb.
“Here the history of humanity is over! He exclaimed one of the soldiers watching the bird virus swallowed.”
“He does not seem to be a bird of those who migrate from one continent,” to another Russian engineer he assured her trying to give encouragement to his comrades.
“Come closer to see the degree of decomposition of the corpse,” said the pilot.
The man who kept control of the drone it close enough and found the body moved.
“It’s alive!” “What you say?” “I just saw”
“But if even a bird is eating it.”
“That’s not important, remember not feel pain!” “You see it? It moved again!”
“Give me that,” he ordered snatching the imaging device.
The seven men approached and saw the black bird with open
wings jumped every time the zombie body moved.
“I do not know why we were sent here all know that the virus is in the air and everywhere. We are dead. That’s the truth.”
The copilot looked angrily at his colleague at his voice through the earpiece of the helmet and said:
“Gentlemen, we have survived hurricanes, tsunamis, ca- taclysms. Since ancient times, we have been exposed to deadly viruses and diseases. Nothing can destroy the man. Do you understand?”
“Sorry, dude, man will be killed by the same man. We are the only species that can lead to an end because of our own actions.”
“What are you talking about? When this is over, America will emerge from sadness to which it is subjected. The children return to play in parks, the cars will make their ranks in the streets, and the people will have electricity. Over the years, the Z virus will be part of history, and will have triumphed over one of the greatest threats ever known. And it will stay like that, a simple threat.”
“What you say, Roy? Do we already take off once and for all from this place?
“Finish the work and we took,” replied the pilot.
“Okay bo
ys, open your luggage and complete the samples. I will not cross beyond the dead that moves.
“The died that moves!” Dimitri scoffed, who until then had not said a word.
“Is it funny?”
“Why they not accept that experimented with humans?” “Because no one knows where this virus did.”
“If we keep spewing hypothesis, we did not finish or tomorrow.
“And I’m sick of hearing stories of planes fumigated, if it all started in America and then spread to a new world order, if in-
fected mosquitoes and all that nonsense that says the press.
“Then why they not tell the truth from the beginning? It took them too, and these are the consequences of the disaster. When rumors began maddened people eat meat, they hid the truth by saying that it was a sect that practiced cannibalism. Then things got out of hand and even then, denied the possibility of con- verted people. Before the partial apocalypse, showed a clarifying that zombies could not exist, because decomposition would kill them, not to mention that, to be undead, brain activity should be article hardly suspended and reactivated soon. Chemical pro- cesses would be turned off and only react by applying electrical pulses. Still, if they could wake death, they could not run consis- tent movements. I remember it as such. The article said that the undead could not be real, because, well, if your brain send orders to their muscles, these beings have to feed as do other living orga- nisms in nature and then, before to eat an arm or a piece of back of someone, their gastric juices had already finished digesting its own organs.
“You know how long we can survive without food or water? We speak of a virus which transforms between 24 and 48 hours. The average for those things become laden with hunger and anger are 36 hours.
“All right, discard that point. We know that the process of self-healing from his wounds occurs slowly, your cells try to re- place the dead tissue, but take too long; However, the virus does not act like a parasite that tells them what to do or not, and, mo- reover, adorned the news that no undead or anything like that, but mentally ill. Later, they agreed that it was a virus that attacked the regions of the hypothalamus and prefrontal cortex, since these areas are those that regulate speech and behaviors aggressiveness. But they had to resign when declared after clinical death, their bodies resurrected,” that’s what I mean explained mad Russian.
“And what do you want me to say? What was a virus that came from space? Do not!
“Accept, then, who they experimented with humans, and the
modifications brought as a result this collapse threatening to other
“Stop!” He ordered the copilot listening to the debate between Russians and Americans warmed. “That’s why we’re here. We came to study the soil and air... find a solution. And of course, it will not extend beyond. This began in America and ends in America.
Eventually things calmed down, and completed the task of co- llecting samples. With their suitcases closed, they agreed to return the way they had come. It was likely that the road was clear as ever. Suddenly, one of them felt the need to urinate.
“Seriously? Cannot you put up a little longer?
“The question is unnecessary. Here you cannot get a finger into the air. It should remain under the suit until you reach the aircraft.”
Going down the stairs leading to the waiting room, they heard a few grunts. They were several, some longer and some shorter, which multiplied the feeling of horror when mixed. They did not know for sure where they came from. One of them asked for approval to deploy drones, but the pilot shook his head. The hum of the propellers could attract them. Helmets carrying cameras, but also had listening devices increased reception to hear more distant than those received by normal hearing frequencies. They could not stay there for life and, based on signs, they went ahead in circular formation with the pilot in the middle. Without this man, there was no return to Stalingrad. They advanced cautiously when, suddenly, came the first of them. He looked very ill, with that famished stance had not eaten in days. He looked like a sca- recrow of rotting flesh. Burning yellow hair fell forward covering part of those huge eyes and whitish. Cheekbones were so pro- nounced that the bones seemed to break the skin at any time. He was missing a piece of right end face where mouth, showing a row of long teeth stained tartar. Clothes, stiff with dried blood, showed off her body torn stray dog by the parties. And in his pants, he is carrying a bundle of own feces.
“A count of three, run without stopping until the aircraft door.
Okay? Well, one, two...
“Hang on,” Dimitri said there are more realizing that others
around them protruded like wolves appeared in the forest. “Does not matter, they are slow.”
“We also, thanks to these suits.” “It’s now or never ... and three.”
They ran and crossed the threshold of the terminals had al- ready broken their formation. What looked like a deserted place became a nightmare. They dispersed without further idea saved walkers soulless. Which nearly wetting went to a bathroom. By the entrance hall, four of them came crashing into each other by lack of coordination. It was locked with his back to the wall and open to the sides of the toilet legs. Fists and heads of those monstrosities beaten incessantly while the man, terrified, watched faced by feet below the door. He thought of crossing the adjacent side, but wrapped in that suit NBC would be impossible. Luckily, the door opened outward, so he did not think more and unlocked the door followed by a boost with the full weight of the body. Zombies were thrown to the left. Two of them were seated, and others wallowed like worms. Before leaving, he held up a plastic basket and threw it as hard with a vengeance.
The first to arrive on the plane were Roy and Dimitri, others were fleeing. After a while, they communicated and agreed to es- cape by the same broker. Zombies were scattered, and they about to engage. The plan seemed confused, because they knew exactly where they were. However, they joined in the final race towards reconnaissance aircraft.
On leaving, they saw in the distance a figure running toward them. They were not sure if it was a person or a zombie. Similarly, no ransom had orders under any circumstances. Interpret whe- ther it was healthy or polluted someone was not possible. At that moment, the youngest squad opened their small sample case and pulled out a gun. There was no time to react others. The bullet
penetrated the unfortunate chest, leaving him lying on the side of the runway. The outbreak of shooting shooed the birds, but drew a crowd of zombies appeared from one side of the building.
“Where did you get that gun? We’re not clear orders not to bring weapons equipped except on the plane?”
“Sorry Sir, but I thought we were running grave danger.”
“Grave danger we run now! If you have enough courage to turn around your six.”
The boy turned and caught a glimpse of a crowd moving like a stampede of wild animals and hungry. With time running out, they ran in terror despite the discomfort of the suit. The sol- dier who shot had a panic attack. On more than one occasion, he turned to calculate the distance between himself and the pack of zombies. It seemed that not arrive in time. I had never seen so many of them together and so aggressive. The rumble of his footsteps mingled with the beating of his heart. The adrenaline made him sweat and expel clouded his vision and in a moment of great fatigue, took off his helmet to breathe better. Coincidentally, the copilot looked around and saw the boy with her head unco- vered. He realized progressed slowly and was intended to stop. -It cannot be-, he thought. He gave scope and urged him to arrive on time. In the race, the helmet was placed and finally went all the aircraft.
Once inside, no one said a single word. From the cockpit he could see how the zombies devoured the body of the man who had been slowed with a gunshot wound. The dead were crowded on top of each other, trying to start how much meat they could. The man was still alive. The shot stopped him and, perhaps, had bled to death in that place, but there was no remedy. At least, it would not become one
of them because, with the fury of those infected, there would be little ground for bacteria.
When was sufficient altitude, the pilot turned? He prepared machine guns and not even noticed the opinion of others. Put the nose to thirty degrees and, with a wave of hatred in his fingers, he
discovered the red fire button. That was when he heard the voice
of the copilot saying “Do it”.
The man who ran the aircraft launched a blast on that moun- tain of bodies. The pieces of meat flying through the air from the dust rising in thin columns asphalt gunned. Again, it took height and in one-hundred-and-eighty-degree turn, returned the nose toward the horde of zombies. A new blast peppered the body of the undead that even shattered by bullets, they kept eating what they could. A good part and remained motionless on the black blood; others writhed like worms halved. The pilot picked up again to give a third pass, but his companion put his hand on his shoulder as a sign that was enough.
Those in the back were concerned not by gunfire from ma- chine guns, but because one of them was throwing up in a bag and sweating cold as frost.
“I’m not going infected,” replied the back of his hand across his mouth. “I just feel revulsion of those things.”
“If you cannot beat that, why did you agree to come to this mission?”
“Because, honestly, I thought not to have a confrontation with them.”
“It’s New Orleans. Why do you think we sent here? This is the nest.”
“I say the nest, but pollution began in Atlanta.”
“Well, that’s not confirmed.”
“Of the same way we’re screwed.”
“If you think you’re screwed, because you are. I will fight to the last bullet. If necessary, explode with a mass of loathsome zombies with Granada in hand, you would like.”