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The Bullet That Killed The World Page 11

  “That is, who has had eye contact with them and still going down the street quietly.”

  “More than eye contact, say I have fought with one another.”

  The man saw that all eyes he passed a scanner for blood, adding:

  “I know more about them than any of you, not knowing what they do.”

  “We military. Among other things, we deal with keeping track of who caused this disaster. We also act in favor of rescuing sur- vivors. If it seems appropriate, I ask him to get in the truck. We have space and want to hear the story of how he survived.”

  The old man climbed into the truck and started oddly, as he had done so far.

  “What hurts most is to see that they are people.”

  “It thinks that after converted are still people?” Frank asked.

  “Well, they remain similar to us. It is that they were normal people.”

  ¿Similar us? But if they seem mummies revived by the devil,

  and also eat our flesh.”

  “Yes, but one of the evolutionary advantages of our ancestors was that became carnivores. It gives meat proteins and fats that are not focused on other food sources. In addition, zombies are not scavengers, the craving for fresh meat is what launches the hunt for healthy people.”

  After the response of the elderly, no one was doubt they’d just pick up not only a survivor, but someone who understood human nature and not as human.

  “The hunting requires sensory stimuli that these creatures do not have” Frank said ‘I was testing how far can go.

  “Maybe certain patterns of his brain were suppressed, but be- lieve me, the urge to catch us and eat with your hands as far as possible, is one of the features that best represents your system.”

  “How far reaching dragging thought that grocery cart?” He asked the man driving the truck.

  “Until the next meeting.”

  “That is, giving you the same keep walking in the middle of nowhere to be turned into one of those things.”

  “Not quite. But if one day the virus enters my system, and I am one of them, I’ll take it, because I keep calling the same and will have the same fingerprints, I just do not know what brand of shampoo is what I like or what was my color favorite, let alone what the password to my email but dwell earth until my strength go out and be a part of it, as will happen to you and the rest of the world” He paused. “Someday, they will die, die definitively, and end this episode of undead.”

  “I’m sure of that, I just hope that by then, remain, at least one man and fertile woman to continue the history of mankind.”

  One of the men gave him a pat on the shoulder to her boss and asked the old man how he survived when he confronted a gang of those damned.

  “He leaked the rumor of diseased creatures in some regions of the country, but nothing concrete. I remember people screaming and fleeing in terror. I thought it was terrorists. He drove back home, and that was when a bus rammed me so hard, I felt as if a bomb had exploded inside me. My car was off the road. I blurred vision quickly. I do not know how long I was unconscious. But when he opened his eyes again, people had disappeared. A group of rescuers took me to a clinic yellow zone.”

  “Tan the epidemic spread rapidly here that you were under yellow alert?”

  “You have no idea. In Colorado, the figures did not drop fifties

  attacks per day.”

  “Fifties attacks per day?!” “So is.”

  “Well, and what he happened after?” Frank asked wanting to know more about the man smelling of stale cheese.

  “I was discharged from the clinic, and I went looking for my wife and my children. The more I walked away, more afraid accu- mulated in the nerves. I remember a time when I was in the middle of the street without watching a car. The traffic lights were out. The silence was broken only by windblown litter. I did not want to accept it, but I had missed. It was near dusk, and went into a desolate house. I approached and noticed that the door was open. The truth is I needed to eat and the best of luck, find a weapon. In both cases I was wrong. The closest thing I found was a gun scis- sors and opened the fridge the smell made me arched. Foods were broken by the lack of cold, and left to breathe out the window. I almost died of fright. In the courtyard he was one of those things. Luckily, I did not see me, but stay the damn spying did not make sense. He remained standing. Hell, there was no doubt he was dead. One thing is to see them on TV, and quite another to have

  them a few meters. Fear ran down my spine, and thousands of images of fighting that went through my mind aberration. I had no choice but to walk to the opposite side of the house. Across a corridor, I opened a door, and the stench was worse than the fridge. In the room, I found a dead German shepherd. I do not know how long he’d been there. His tongue came down through the half-open mouth. The poor animal looked like a steamroller had happened streets above. I thought he was starving, but see his eyes, even after his death, it reflected in his eyes melancholy for the time spent without their owners. I understood then that the dog did not die of hunger. German shepherd that had died of sadness and loneliness. That’s what they said those eyes dull, despite seeing his body crushed like a tapestry. People can leave an abandoned car, but not a dog. The safest thing was that people who lived there had been attacked, then I remembered the zombie and went back to the window. I looked very carefully, and the evil monster was no longer there. I felt a lump in my throat. This time, fear was so acute it hurt. The next step was to look for a weapon, a real one. Although, to be honest, I was satisfied at that time with a pick, a shovel, a baseball bat, oh yeah! Anything that would serve to break his legs that bastard. At that moment I heard a noise, a noise that did not come from outside, and with nothing in their hands yet. I thought that would be the last day of my life. Then I remembered so pale, so stupid, so little... and a bit of value sweat cooled me welling pores. Suddenly, I saw him pass by, as if loo- king for something. I froze. But the beast sniffed me in the right direction and returned. At that time, I did not feel so stupid, be- cause it moved as he could; He looked like a cursed doll. In my life I saw something like that, his face full of sores and missing pieces of skin. I recoiled back without taking his eyes off me; I could not find the courage to turn around, but I had to do to gain an advantage. Worse if I fell, and then today would not be sitting in this truck. I recoiled back without taking his eyes off me; I could not find the courage to turn around, but I had to do to gain an advantage. Hurry, I returned to the room of the dead dog.”

  “Isn’t found nothing to defend?” He asked one of the men.

  “Nothing. And to top it off, I left the door open. When I reacted, the zombie was inside. I got to jump on the bed, and that thing behind me with his arms outstretched like the antennae of an ant. The best thing that occurred to me was throwing the blanket over. I think it bothered him more, because I heard their screams filled with anger. I took the opportunity to kick that left him lying beside the body of the dog. Damn he stood, and again pointing to his eyes saw mine. I was cornered and, to top it off, stood in front of the door. All I had to defend myself was a tele- vision as fifty inches,” he paused. “What follows is more violent. Can I have more water?”

  The old man drank another bottle full water and continued.

  “As I said, the creature lunged at me and grabbed the TV as a shield. I managed to push him, but damn had enough strength. The only thing that separated her face and mine was that screen. Below, I saw his feet sliding back and pushed myself without con- sidering that when he reached the door, the TV did not pass be- cause it was larger than the frame, and I bruise fingers. The pain made me drop the TV, and again I saw that face blistered, and burned by acid. Without thinking, I kicked the TV for the zombie fell to the ground, and it was a bad idea, because it fell forward, where I was. The picture could not be worse at her head demo- nized by the head of the dead German shepherd. Apparently, my luck pointed to the window that was behind me. Hurriedly, I opened my escape point and, when I was leaving, a
nother, even uglier, I am waiting to tear the skin. A bitter pill to swallow me up from the stomach to the mouth. zombie inside, feet again, was ready to sink his teeth. I do not know where I got the strength to lift him king size mattress and throw it over the creature. This time he feels crushed, and I used to go off like an arrow. I walked through the door by leaps and bounds, but the idea of seeing mastered brought me back. There he was, stuck between the bed, dead dog and the wall. The space was perfect. I started to jump on the mattress. In every fall, that damned squealing like a rat. I looked at the window, and the other pushed the glass trying to get. “I do not see what I’m doing this,” he shouted. I think I went

  crazy for a few minutes. Finally, I stopped listening to the grunts and noticed that his arm was left out was not moving. I got shaky legs and sweaty forehead. I thought I had completely annihilated, but those things have more lives than a cat. I felt it move and when I cooled the blood, I realized that I hurt the blows of the accident. I took a lot of air and left the house. Outside was the other. His clothes had become entangled in a bush, and could not move. It was amazing, but the fear of me disappeared after seeing death so close. I stepped forward a few steps to where his arms stretched almost touched my face. I was not sure if his rags would hold enough or fallen branches bush would let him be free, but I wanted to hold him in my eyes enough to print it in my mind. I still dream about that picture in front of me. In the dream, it follows and grabs me by the throat. Often, I wake up with the sheets tangled in the throat and shortness of breath. It was not the best idea to observe such detail. I remember there was some wind, but his thin hair was plastered to his skull. It Go figure how many attended dances blood that creature! His cheekbones gave him a cadaverous. The teeth were of a very dark yellow, and among them, there were threads of flesh. On one side of the face, he had cracked his mouth close to her ear. That part made me so disgusted that I spat at his feet. Although I must admit that I had best kept gesture then when I saw out between her ribs exposed a cockroach the size of a thumb.”

  “My God!” express one of the men, whom they called Cadet for being the youngest.

  “I can continue?”

  “That’s repulsive, but since you began, you must go all the way.”

  “It’s okay. I must clarify that only the space between the crea- ture and I was less than the space between us right now. That gave me the chance to look him straight in the eyes. And not air his ribs or his cracked mouth, and all the blood of his clothes could be compared with that contaminated glower. Those gray eyes seemed frozen in time; they were like two marbles embedded

  cement beneath his eyebrows. It seemed that if you were stan- ding looking at him much time, you would become stone like the power of Medusa.”

  “Then you left, right?”

  “Of course. After all the action under that twilight, I ran like someone who had lost his mind. Each step was faster than the previous one. I remember that I turned a few times to make sure the zombie still tangled, and was there the evil born, with his still outstretched arms towards me and twittering desperate, like who would take away a delicacy of sight after several days without eating.”

  Chapter 9. Where is the Cadet?

  No other extraordinary thing to tell the old man fell asleep. Occasionally, the truck driver asked for directions, and Frank made a gesture with his hand to be kept driving straight. They rea- ched a point of abandoned machinery. Some information signs indicating the road closure due to maintenance. Brown indicate to one of his men to hand him the binoculars. He motioned for silence. I did not want to wake the old man. One could see that the poor man had spent several sleepless days.

  Thereafter he did not look more than a hilly landscape. They turned and decided it was best to stay away from residential apartment complexes. The driver yawned a few times, and Frank ordered him to stop in front of a neighborhood of abandoned houses. Suddenly, they noticed a small explosion, and the side of a house began to disappear among the flames. Once out of the car, they heard the cries of a child. One of them knocked the door with a kick, and the others rushed in. White voice tearing towards the bottom. The child hid under the bed and saw the twisted zombie feet. mouth with trembling hands was covered and tried to calm her breath, but it was impossible. The living dead lay on the floor with its ugly face. Half his face had been consumed by fire, and that part was missing an eye. With the hands he thumped as he thrust with his legs. The boy leaned his elbows and walked to the other side to hit the wall. Then he saw the boots of men and shouted to pure tears. Cadet rushed and grabbed the bastard by the calf. He threw it out, and his fingers dug into the rotting flesh. Others did not notice the incident. They pulled the bed from the wall and took the child in her arms. The zombie stood,

  and placed a pillow Cadet to head height. Three shots from his gun escaped leaving his face bloody more deformed than before. Frank nodded and started to run with others. While escaping, he realized that the Cadet did not follow.

  When Frank returned to the scene, he saw his companion with the gun pointed at his temple.

  “What the hell you think you’re doing?”

  Cadet showed the other hand smeared black blood.

  “My fingers, Frank. My fingers sank into her rotting flesh.”

  “That does not mean anything!” He cried the dark.”

  “My blood will cover my whole body in about twenty seconds.

  The virus must be attacking my cells.”

  “Hey! What do you say? The fact of playing the zombie with your fingers does not mean you’re infected. In addition, the cu- ticle serves as a barrier between the nail and meat. Not so easy friend, do you understand?”

  “I’m afraid, Frank. I prefer a bullet between the eyes to be turned into one of those junk.”

  They both looked at the body lying on the dark spot.

  “Listen to me. I go to the truck by the medical kit. I’ll draw some blood for testing. Take an extra charger and move before the flames reduced to ashes leave this place.”

  “Thank you, friend, but you’d better put out the fire and me to stay here. I will conceal my scent from burning wood as you return.”

  They extinguished the flames, and Frank returned to the truck and watched the boy still sobbing. He ordered the old man who had just woken up and not say anything that had relationships with men Z.

  “Your provoked the fire there?” He asked the new member

  of the troop.

  The boy nodded; his lower lip trembling pure. Then he spoke:

  “I fill a bottle with gasoline and put a piece of cloth in his mouth. I lit the wick and threw it into the zombie directly to the face.”

  “You know the name of that little bomb?”

  “Molotov cocktail,” affirmed.

  “Yes, but you know also what it’s called? It’s called being very brave.” Frank said, running her hand through her hair.

  One of the men noticed that Frank took a suitcase first aid.

  “Is everything all right with the Cadet?” he asked one of the soldiers.

  Tan showed an -ok- with his fingers and disappeared inside

  the house.

  “Hey, Frank, would you tell others?” “I didn’t have the courage.”

  “They will still ask you about me. Tell them the truth. I am aware that nobody wants me on that truck after what happened. Better to die as far as possible.”

  “Do not going to die, my friend ... not now.”

  Frank wiped the puncture site with an alcohol swab and put an elastic band on the biceps Cadet. He dilated blood flow in the veins of the arm, and introduced the needle carefully. He took a couple of samples kept in haste and spoke again.

  “Keep this radio on and do not change frequency. We’ll be in touch.”

  “Hey! You really go back?” he asked with fear Cadet. “I’ve never left a soldier behind.”

  “I mean that, if the samples are positive, what sense does it come back?”

  “I’ll show that, even if yo
ur fingers touched the bone of this

  creature, the virus did not enter your blood. And he shot her face with a pillow in between was a great idea.”

  “Thanks Frank, is the greatest thing they’ve done for me.”

  “Come on man! Do not get sentimental. You and I are going to get drunk us in a bar with lots of lights when the subject of the living dead end.”

  “Only I ask one thing,” the plea was heard in his voice “if the result is that I am infected, come and put a bullet in the brain you personally.”

  Come now! Did not you clear?”

  “Hey, Frank, do not disappoint me. When I pointed the gun at my head, I knew I had not the courage to pull the trigger. Much less I have courage to face the idea of becoming one of those things.”

  “I’ll come back; I swear.”

  So, Frank went with the mission of putting his men safe with the boy and the old man. At a rest stop, he contacted the president and explained, without much detail, the situation being crossed. The president sent the coordinates of a fortified base in Arizona. Frank threw accounts, and the distance, it would take about thir- teen hours to arrive. If this is added the time to evaluate the blood of the Cadet and hours back, it resulted in a day and a half, just enough time for a sick body with Z virus, transforms in those creatures without speech, without reason and soulless.

  During the trip, he kept thinking about finding a solution to the problem of evaluating blood Cadet time. It was then that he saw through the window a small plane abandoned in a field.

  “Stop!” He shouted the driver.

  The sudden stop caused the fall back forward by the blow of inertia.

  “What happened, boss?”

  “Bring me closer to that plane. I need to know if the plane flies